A meditation for Mabon.

Welcome to the Mabon / Autumnal Equinox Tarot Blog Hop! Hopefully you have arrived here from Arwen’s post at Witches & Pagans. If not, you can check it out afterward by following the “PREVIOUS BLOG” link at the top or bottom of this post. (Broken links have been disabled.)


If you are anything like me, you began tracking the shortening of summer days at the summer solstice. It often feels like the cruelest part of the yearly cycle--watching the days grow shorter and shorter. This year, for the Autumnal Equinox, I decided to call on the help of La Corte Dei Tarocchi in creating a meditation that might help with the transition.

My process. I began with pulling the Sun and the Moon cards from the deck and then randomly pulled three more cards to allow La Corte Dei Tarocchi to guide us in this transition from Summer (represented by the Sun) to Autumn (represented by the Moon).

What to expect. This is a slightly active meditation, involving a few simple gestures that are held for an extended time. These gestures are like mudras--intended to evoke something within you--and I encourage you to try following the meditation just as it was intended to experience that effect. However, if for any reason you are unable to hold the gestures, or to take them at all, you are welcome to simply imagine you are doing so.

Setting up / some variations. Before you begin, please find a place to sit where you are able to stretch your arms out to the sides and above you comfortably. You may take any seated meditation posture that is comfortable for you. I prefer to sit on a cushion on the floor with my legs crossed in front of me. If you are unfamiliar with meditation, sitting upright in a chair with your feet on the floor will work just fine. Most important is that you are sitting up straight. It may help to move forward to the front edge of your seat. If you cannot sit up straight, be sure to have your head supported by a wall or a backrest behind you to avoid straining your neck. Alternatively, you may try this laying down on your back with room to reach your arms out to the sides and above you. It won’t have exactly the same effect laying down, but again, you can use your imagination. Just ignore any prompts that don’t apply to the position you are in. Trust that your own body knows what you need right now in this moment.

Finally. This was completely improvised, so please forgive the occasional fumble. If you experience any problems with the recording--if you don’t like the sound of my voice or the sound of the bowl or the quality of the recording (the sound quality is not the best but may be useful in evoking a bit of a trance state)--you are welcome to have a friend read it to you from the transcript below, or make a recording of yourself reading it for your own personal use.



Welcome -- ​I​​ hope that you​'ve​ found a comfortable seat​ -- wherever​ y​ou ​a​r​e -- take a moment​ -- place your hands on your knees​ -- and allow your hips to sink down ​-- ​into the surface upon ​which you ​sit. ​F​​eel the weight of your hips ​-- every part of you above​ -- sink​ down​. And​ from the bottom of your spine​ -- draw a straight line -- as if you are a piece of string -- being pulled straight up -- ​from the top of your head -- reaching to the sky.

We are drawing this meditation from La Corte Dei Tarocchi -- and beginning with the ​Sun card -- I invite you to stretch your arms out to the side​s​ ​-- with your arms here -- you may find it more accessible to roll your shoulders back​ -- up and back -- and down until your shoulder blades are ​flat across your back. Open your hands wide facing them forward​ -- your arms are ​an​ extension of the heart chakra​ -- ​the inner heart ​-- ​the inner Sun ​-- contained within each of us -- reaches out -- through the hands -- in this way -- how can we not feel what it is to be the Sun. We are coming to the end of the time of year that is ruled by the sun -- that is dominated by the Sun and the light. Feel now in this gesture -- what it is to be open -- to be seen -- to stand in the light -- and to be known for what you are.

​La Tarocchi presents us with the Nine of Cups -- as we begin to leave this time of daylight -- at Mabon -- the autumnal equinox. Take a moment to think about -- reflect upon -- how each part of your life has been filled -- how all Nine cups have been filled up -- by the rays of the Sun. Your arms -- still reaching out -- maybe now grow heavy -- and begin to feel what it is -- the work -- the power it takes -- to be the Sun -- to be seen -- perhaps after all this time -- your skin has grown a bit darker as it absorbed the light -- perhaps you're tired of the heat -- and maybe you are ready to go inward. Or you may be reluctantly letting go -- dreading the dark days of winter. If that's the case -- take ​the time to bask in the sun -- and to embrace -- and to know that you can return to this at any time -- in winter time. Again reflect on the things you have gathered within the summer -- the experiences -- the time with friends -- the time outside.

The Two of Pentacles presents us with a choice -- we move now into the earth realm -- as we gather ourselves -- and prepare ourselves -- to be inside -- amongst our things. We often clean out the house at springtime -- this is also a good time to do some cleaning. If you do have your arms outstretched still -- notice how heavy -- they are becoming -- and ready to rest -- don't rest them yet. What has grown heavy at this time -- and needs to be let go -- the time of winter that's coming -- the time of darkness -- it's heavy -- and you don't need to carry everything along with you.

At this time -- turn your palms up toward the sky -- and slowly -- reach your hands up toward the sky -- until they come together above your head. In this stretch -- we have a little bit of relief -- as the weight has shifted. With your palms together for the first time of this meditation -- take a moment -- to consider what you might want to dedicate this coming season to. What must you harvest before this season is through -- before the cold -- and the dark -- overtake us. And on your next exhale -- draw your prayer -- your palms -- down to your heart -- bring your thumbs to your chest -- meeting that space of the inner light -- within you. Notice the effort it takes -- even here -- that we lift the arms -- and we keep the hands in this position -- that inner light -- takes effort.

Stay here with your prayer -- take a moment here -- as we reflect on the Nine of Pentacles. The nine is a number of abundance -- of completion -- of fullness. As we get ready -- for the time of the year that we spend more time indoors -- we're very much amongst our things -- pentacles are very earthy -- very much about our things -- and our body -- which is likely to take on weight -- with flesh or with clothing -- to keep ourselves warm. As we enter the darker time of the year -- we are gifted with the chance to embrace our shadows -- our dark spots -- and our coziness -- and our cuddliness -- that wants to curl up and rest. All that you choose to take with you into this time -- will feed what is ready to sprout next spring.

[Moon] Finally -- lowering your palms -- and allowing your hands to reach out and rest on your knees -- or your lap -- letting go -- of the weight of the Sun -- of the weight of the light -- of the weight of being seen. Allow your eyes to close if you have not already -- and see if you cannot allow yourself to draw within.


If you tried the mediation--in any variation--thank you! I would love to hear what it was like for you. This is the first time I’ve offered a meditation in this format, so be sure to let me know if you would like more of them.



Thank you for stopping by and I hope you are enjoying the Mabon / Autumn Equinox Tarot Blog Hop! Please continue on to Ania’s post at Meniscus Tarot by following the “NEXT BLOG” link at the top or bottom of this post. (Broken links have been disabled.)


Talking to spirit with tarot.


The Devil’s Spectrum; a tarot spread.